​Toilet Hire Brisbane
Portable Loo - Skid or Trailer Mount,
Shower, Fence & Container Hire
Temporary Power Poles, Site Poles
City Hire's Temporary Above Ground Power Pole Stock meet all safety requirements. Our team are experienced in installation of the pole in the correct postion on site to ensure no hold ups with connection. All poles include 10 amp and 15 amp GPO Outlets. If you have a larger site we have poles that have as many as 8 10amp sockets and 2 x 15 amp sockets. City Hire can handle connection on your behalf or you can arrange your own electrician to inspect and submit a Form 2 to your Energy Retailer.
Click here to download our Site Setup Rates Flyer

Hire a Temporary Power Pole and Toilet from City hire and SAVE on Delivery Fees!

Power Pole Installed with 3 stays to Energex Specification

Hire a Temporary Power Pole and Toilet from City hire and SAVE on Delivery Fees!